
♦Chanel Costume Jewelry

Chanel metal and glass pearl earrings #brilliantluxury
Chanel metal and glass pearl earrings

Chanel Costume Jewelry


"Faux Jewelry" on a blog with a typically luxurious touch? Probably absurd. With CHANEL costume jewelry it works! Bedause this is not an ordinary costume jewelry that we find in every department store. It is very special to own and wear this jewelry. This is also reflected in the price. What would I have given to find a piece of it under the Christmas tree.

Coco Chanel was known for creating her own styles. I think the following quote fits perfectly:

"A woman should mix fake and real. To ask a woman to only wear real jewelry, she would like her to cover herself with real flowers instead of flowery silk prints. She would look faded in a few hours. I love fakes because I find such jewelry. " provocative, and I find it shameful to walk around with millions around your neck just because you are rich. The purpose of jewelry is not to make a woman look rich, but to decorate her; not the same."

When did Chanel start jewelry?

In 1920. However, the jewelry pieces were not signed and are therefore difficult to distinguish from counterfeits today. As a result this changed in the 1950s with the stamp "CHANEL". 1970 the "Chanel CC Made in France" jewelry with features © (top right) and Ⓡ (top left) was added to the heavy metal and gold-plated jewelry.
Chanel Illustration by Emmy DE #brilliantluxury
Chanel Illustration by Emmy DE
Even more in 1993. What has changed? A "P" for Printemps (spring) and an "A" for Automne (autumn) as well as the year of publication of the respective season were coined.

So check out the world famous CC Chanel logo. In the original logo, the C is in the foreground at the top right. The C at the top left is overlapped by this. The reverse is the case below. There the C is in the foreground on the left.

Chanel Costume Jewelry #brilliantluxury
Chanel Costume Jewelry original logo design
It's not the first time I've removed the shadows. But here it was really a challenge. The great thing is that finally the details are fantastic to see. How do you like the result? More posts about CHANEL Costume Jewelry will follow. As always, you will find the original source at the end.

Chanel Costume Jewelry